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How to get into cyber in 2025?

Looking to start studying cybersecurity but you are unsure where to study? Here you can find some tips on where to start or continue your cyber journey through courses organized by our educational partners, other online courses, and different learning opportunities. If you speak Finnish, check out the Finnish version of the article for more options.


Study language: EN 

Duration of studies: 3.5 years,  210 ECTS 

Mode of teaching: Full-time studies on Pasila campus (Helsinki)

Application period: 11.3 - 25.3.2025 

At Haaga-Helia you can study the following cyber security courses: 

Other universities

These universities have also offered cyber degree programmes in English in the past. Their application periods have typically been in January, and they are not taking applications at the time of publication.

Laurea University of Applied Sciences offers a 3,5 year (210 ECTS) Bachelor Of Business Administration degree in Business Information Technology and Cyber Security. In this programme you will deepen your expertise in Cybersecurity with business management perspective. Programme content is connected to cybersecurity frameworks provided by the most prominent associations including Comptia, ISC2 and ISACA. The next application period is 7.1. - 21.1.2026.  

University of Turku offers a 2-year Master’s Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology: Cyber Security. The next application period starts in January 2026, with studies beginning in August 2026.

Turku AMK offers a 4-year Bachelor of Engineering programme in Information and Communications Technology with a Data Networks and Cybersecurity competence track. Applications have closed for 2025, however the application period for Path Studies takes place 22.7. – 5.8.2025.

JAMK offers a 240-credit Bachelor of Engineering programme with the option to specialise in cybersecurity, as well as a 60-credit Master of Engineering programme in cybersecurity. The applications have closed for 2025. 


Online courses

You can also delve deeper into cyber with individual courses.

FITech offers university courses free of charge for degree students and adult learners in Finland. They have both beginner, intermediate, and advanced courses.

Google Cybersecurity Professional Certificate offered through Coursera includes 170 hours of instruction and hundreds of practice-based assessments and activities that simulate real-world cybersecurity scenarios that are critical for success in the workplace. The course can be completed at your own pace, however a Coursera Plus subscription is required.

Cisco Networking Academy contains free courses, modules, and contents on cybersecurity, networking, and other ICT topics.

Microsoft Learn is the place to go for Microsoft-related learning paths. The courses are free of charge, but taking a certification exam has a fee.

Gamified learning environments

Hack The Box Academy and Try Hack Me are platforms containing both theory and practical exercises as well as learning paths. They are free to use for the basic content, but more advanced content requires a subscription. Well suited for beginners.

Capture the Flag

CTF competitions and practices are a great way to polish your skills - and so is reading write-ups of the flags others have solved.

Next Gen Hack Challenge is mainly aimed for people under the age of 26. A team made up of qualifying participants will officially represent Finland in the European Cyber ​​Security Challenge. This year, the pre-qualifiers run 22nd Feb through 16th March 2025.

PicoCTF hosted by Carnegie Mellon University is a beginner-friendly platform. You can sign up to use the practice area picoGym to test your skills at previous years’ CTF challenges. The PicoCTF competition of 2025 takes place 7th through 17th March.


Text: Maria Talvela & Varpu Huhtinen, W4CFI Articles

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